1. Any time someone is “looking over the shoulder” of the contractor, irrelevant of his knowledge and experience, the contractor will work better.
2. Most people, who are extending or renovating a property, are doing so for the first or second time. There is no comparison running a project with the help of a supervisor, who has 10 years experience in the field.
3.With professional supervision you can avoid mistakes and mishaps. He knows what works and what doesn’t, and has the foresight to avoid any wrong turns along the way.
4. Most home owners, (and many contractors) don’t know (or care) what are the “Israel Building Standards” – knowledge of them, ensures quality. The more the supervisor knows, the better quality your project will be.
5. Often arguments break out, about what has or has not been said. Having a third party “on site” protects you and your interests in thee situtations.
6. Helps keep the costs down. The contractor is less likely to “take you for a ride” when he knows that there is someone experienced “keeping tabs”.
7. Many home designers, interior designers and architects, have never been inside a construction site. Mistakes can be avoided, by taking someone with experience, to ensure everything is done correctly.
8. In most instances, taking someone with experience will save you more money than he charges you for his services.
9. Ensure the plans presented is the way the project is done. Often a contractor, wanting to save time, manpower and money will make a lame excuse why this cant be done. Only someone with lots of experience will show him how it IS done.
10. Often, buying a property or renovating is a life-changing project. Only an experienced supervisor will ensure you get the most value for your money.